Facebook Cover Photo Update

Facebook Cover Photo Update

When a parent is diagnosed with cancer, it can feel completely immobilizing. The news stops us in our tracks, puts our plans on pause, and disrupts our normal day-to-day lives. But when cancer stops us, @CampKesem moves us. We find the power to be in motion again, active and intentional in support of one another on the journey through and beyond a parent’s cancer. Kesem is understanding in motion. It is friendship in motion. It is community in motion. It is love in motion. This Giving Tuesday, join me in motion for kids impacted by a parent’s cancer; in a purposeful and energetic commitment to moving forward and bringing the magic of Kesem to more kids than ever. Learn more, and get started on your #GivingTuesday journey now at kesem.org/givingtuesday. #KesemMagic #KesemInMotion
